Are you refreshed?
You can be. It is a promise from the Lord.
Maybe you, like alot of us are just tired and frazzled from the hustle and bustle this season brings. Or from life. I do know of One, when in His presence, refreshing comes. He is calling you to a time of refreshing. The American Standard declares "seasons of refreshing" will come from the presence of the Lord. Acts 3:19.
Thirst-quenching. Energizing.Exhilarating.Intoxicating. Invigorating. Renewing.
A dear friend of our family, Pastor Gerald Broome, taught this relevant and due season Word to the youth not long ago. And it stuck with me. Thus, the "address" to this blog.
Pastor G, we affectionally call him, is a man after God's own heart. The Lord birthed Quest Ministries through him over 35 years ago. The fruit of this ministry is encouraging and lives are being changed literally all over the world all because he said yes to God.
What in this world refreshes you? I immediately think of an inviting, cascading waterfall in the mountains or cold water during an intense workout. A walk in the early morning or a quick power nap in the afternoon. There are so many others...I would love to hear yours.
You can be refreshed right this minute...this season of your life. A refreshing that endures... strengthens you, gives you and peace and joy. He is inviting you into His presence. In that place, there is fullness of joy. You will leave refreshed.
Thank you, Pastor G, for your leadership, determination, authenticity, excellent role model to today's generation who are hungry and desperately seeking Something real ....and for allowing the Lord to work in and through you. You're the real deal.
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