Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This word has echoed throughout our home the past several weeks. Our daughter became passionate

about participating in "The Rescue" a worldwide mission to bring attention to the abduction of

the innocent boys and girls under the brutal leadership

of Joseph Kony. He is the notorious leader of Uganda's rebel guerrillas, the Lord's Resistance Army. They are called invisible children for many people seem to have forgotten them.
I plan to have my daughter to do a guest blog post on this story very soon.
“He trusted in the LORD, let Him rescue Him; Let Him deliver Him, since He delights in Him!” Psalm 22:8
I am so thankful to the Lord Jesus for eternally rescuing me at the age of 14. It didn't take me long to soon realize that He is ready, able AND willing to rescue me daily. Minute by minute. A rescue from busyness, guilt, shame, procrastination, selfish ambition, complacency........the list goes on and on.
And on.
Rescue: to set free from confinement, danger or evil.
to deliver. to redeem. to ransom. to reclaim. to save!
Are you like me and need rescued? Maybe you have never made Jesus your Lord and Savior. I promise you it will be the best decision you will ever make. Jesus wants to rescue each of us from the pit and give us a life of freedom in Him.
Or maybe it's that repeated occurring sin that you just can't shake? It could even be a rebellious teenager or a marriage that is on the verge of collapsing. Jesus wants to rescue you from that too.

To redeem you and deliver you. He is no respector of persons and desires for all of us to live a victorious and full life in Him.

I need Jesus to come to my rescue continuously and so thankful that He is a faithful friend...One who never leaves me alone, but leaves me His Word to stand on.

Rescue the perishing; don't hesitate to step in and help.
Proverbs 24:11


  1. Thanks for making us aware of this!
    Proud of those speaking out for these invisible children!

  2. Angela,
    We'd love to see you and your family this week. Chris Gabriel is coming over Tuesday around 7 pm. Dad says to come over and ride Duke and Dan. The kids rode this afternoon and had a great time.
    I enjoyed reading your blog. What a great testimony!
